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Macaca mulatta
decussation of medial lemnISCus [LMX]  ·  dorsal nucleus of lateral lemnISCus [LLD]  ·  interstitial nucleus of Cajal [ISC]  ·  island(s) of Calleja [ISC]  ·  islands of Calleja [ISC]  ·  lateral lemnISCus [LL]  ·  medial lemnISCus [LM]  ·  ventral nucleus of lateral lemnISCus [LLV]  · 

Mus musculus
Lateral LemnISCus [LL]  ·  Nuclei of the Lateral LemnISCus [NLL]  ·  nucleus of the Lateral LemnISCus [nLL]  · 

Tyto alba
Islands of Calleja [ISCa]  ·  lemnISCus medialis [LM]  ·  Nucleus lemnISCi lateralis pars ventralis [LLv]  ·  Nucleus lemnISCi lateralis pars ventrodorsalis [LLvd]  ·  Nucleus lemnISCi lateralis pars ventrolateralis [LLvl]  ·  Nucleus ventralis lemnISCi lateralis [LVL]  ·