Reciprocal projections were observed between the CoA and the MeA and between both nuclei and the basal or the lateral nuclei of the amygdala with the exception of the CoA which does not send inputs to the lateral nucleus.

Consolidation of new fear memories has been shown to require de novo RNA and protein synthesis in the lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LA).

Selective lesion studies in rodents suggest that the basolateral nucleus of the amygdala, which is a critical subnucleus within the amygdala, plays a critical role in appetitive instrumental behaviors. On the other hand, the central nucleus of the amygdala directly receives afferents from the lateral nucleus of the amygdala.

The lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LA) is a site of convergence for auditory (conditioned stimulus) and foot-shock (unconditioned stimulus) inputs during fear conditioning.

Punctate labeling representing spine labeling was restricted to small patches in the lateral nucleus of amygdala, intercalated cell masses (ICM), and the lateral subdivision of central nucleus. In addition, Cd, Cp, mGluR1 alpha and cortical afferents are co-distributed in the ICM distributed in the lateral nucleus and lateral capsular division of the central nucleus, and the lateral division of the central nucleus itself.

Although the lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LA) is essential for conditioned auditory fear memory, an emerging theme is that plasticity in multiple brain regions contributes to fear memory formation.

The highest density of SOM-positive somata was observed in the layer III of the cortical nuclei, in the anterior (magnocellular) part of the basomedial nucleus and in the caudal (large-celled) part of the lateral nucleus.

NADPH-diaphorase revealed reactivity in the neuropil of nearly all amygdaloid subdivisions with different intensities, allowing the identification of the medial and lateral subdivisions of the cortical posterior nucleus and the lateral subdivision of the lateral nucleus. The lateral, central, basolateral and basomedial nuclei exhibited acetylcholinesterase positivity, which provided a useful chemoarchitectural criterion for the identification of the anterior basolateral nucleus. Myelin stain allowed the identification of the medial subdivision of the lateral nucleus, and resulted in intense staining of the medial subdivisions of the central nucleus.

Here, we have investigated whether NR2B subunit-containing receptors are present and functional at mature synapses in the lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LA) and the CA1 region of the hippocampus, comparing their properties between the two brain regions.

Electrodes were implanted stereotaxically in the hippocampus (CA1 and CA3 subregions of the hippocampus) and the amygdala (lateral nucleus).

Although NT and DA coexist in the basolateral nucleus of the amygdala (BLA), the function of Ntsr1 in the amygdala is not well characterized. In acute brain slices of Ntsr1-KO mice, synaptic currents elicited in BLA pyramidal neurons by electrical stimulation of the lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LA) were greatly potentiated by tetanic stimulation (BLA-long-term potentiation (LTP)).

In contrast, less than 25% of ENKergic cells expressed VGLUT1 in the lateral nucleus of the amygdale, with the majority of ENK cells expressing GAD65 mRNA in this nucleus.

The lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LA) receives axonal projections from the auditory thalamus, the medial geniculate nucleus (MGN), and mediates auditory fear conditioning.

Pair-housing for 24 h with an unfamiliar rat following fear conditioning resulted in a suppressed autonomic, but not behavioral, response, with Fos expression in the lateral nucleus of the amygdala and ventrolateral periaqueductal gray.

In this study we investigated the role of specific GLU(K5) kainate receptor in the lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LA).

The present study demonstrates that low concentrations of the specific kainate GLU(K5) receptor agonist, ATPA, depressed baseline activity in the lateral nucleus of the rat amygdala (LA), induced by stimulation of external capsule fibers or by intranuclear stimulation in horizontal brain slices.

An opposite pattern of results was observed in the basal lateral nucleus of the amygdala, providing evidence for different stimulus-processing mechanisms in regions of the amygdala..

Long-term potentiation (LTP) in auditory inputs to the lateral nucleus of the amygdala was recently linked to the acquisition of fear memory.

The human lateral nucleus was larger than predicted for an ape of human brain size and occupied the majority of the basolateral division, whereas the basal nucleus was the largest of the basolateral nuclei in all ape species. While the gorilla had a smaller than predicted lateral nucleus, its basal and accessory basal nuclei were larger than predicted.

We have previously shown that CS-elicited spike firing in the lateral nucleus of the amygdala is context-specific after extinction. In parallel with the behavior, lateral nucleus neurons exhibited context-dependent firing to extinguished CSs, and hippocampal inactivation disrupted this activity pattern.

Since there are no data available so far on the role of COX-2 in the amygdala, in a first step we demonstrated that the selective COX-2 inhibitor NS-398 significantly reduced the probability of long-term potentiation (LTP) induction in the lateral nucleus of the amygdala.

Several studies have pointed to alterations in mean volumes, neuron densities and total neuron numbers in the caudate nucleus (CN), putamen, nucleus accumbens (NA), mediodorsal nucleus of the thalamus (MDNT) and lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LNA) in schizophrenia.

Previously we have shown that angiotensin II (Ang II) suppresses long-term potentiation (LTP) in the lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LA) of horizontal slices.

Bilateral focal microinjection of a NMDA antagonist, 2-amino-7-phosphonoheptanoate (AP7), into either central nucleus or lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LAMG) significantly reduced AGS.

ventral lateral nucleus).

Here we show that principal neurons from the lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LA) can generate intrinsic graded persistent activity that is similar to EC layer V cells.

Extracellular population activity recorded from the lateral nucleus of the amygdala in vitro showed significant enhancement of activity within the theta-band frequency (3-9 Hz) in the presence of kainic acid (100 nm; n=18).

Here we show that the strength of naive synapses in two auditory inputs converging on a single neuron in the lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LA) is only modified when a postsynaptic action potential closely follows a synaptic response.

In the standard model of pavlovian fear learning, sensory input from neutral and aversive stimuli converge in the lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LA), in which alterations in synaptic transmission encode the association.

In the basolateral nucleus, the strongly NADPHd-positive neurons were few, and were located mainly along the lateral border of the nucleus. Some Am nuclei, and especially the central lateral nucleus and the intercalated nucleus, display considerable species differences when compared with the primate Am.

This study describes calbindin-D28k (CB), neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS), and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate diaphorase (NADPH-d) expression in the lateral nucleus of the sheep amygdaloid complex.

The neuronal cell densities quantified in the basolateral complex of amygdala were significantly reduced only in the lateral nucleus (LA) of TLE patients as compared to autopsy or non-Ammon's horn sclerosis (AHS) controls (Nissl staining, immunostaining against the neuronal marker NeuN).

Here we show that zinc transporter 3 (ZnT-3), which maintains a high concentration of Zn2+ in synaptic vesicles and serves as a marker for zinc-containing neurons, is enriched in the lateral nucleus of the amygdala and in the temporal area 3 of the auditory cortex, an area that conveys information about the auditory conditioned stimulus to the lateral nucleus of the amygdala, but not in other conditioned stimulus areas located in the auditory thalamus.

Zinc release in the lateral nucleus of the amygdala was examined using rat brain slices. Zinc release in the lateral nucleus of the amygdala innervated by the entorhinal cortex was next examined in brain slices double-stained with zinc and calcium indicators. Extracellular zinc signal (ZnAF-2) in the lateral nucleus was increased with intracellular calcium signal (calcium orange) during delivery of tetanic stimuli to the entorhinal cortex. Furthermore, calcium signal in the lateral nucleus during delivery of tetanic stimuli to the entorhinal cortex was increased in the presence of 10 micro M CNQX, an AMPA/KA receptor antagonist, and this increase was facilitated by addition of 1 mM CaEDTA, a membrane-impermeable zinc chelator. The present study suggested that zinc is released in the lateral nucleus of the amygdala by depolarization of the entorhinal neurons. In the lateral nucleus, zinc released may suppress the increase in presynaptic calcium signal..

We first review the evidence suggesting that fear conditioning is mediated by changes in synaptic strength at sensory inputs to the lateral nucleus of the amygdala.

In vivo electrophysiology has identified cellular correlates of extinction learning and memory in the lateral nucleus of that structure.

The lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LA) is critical for fear learning.

The amygdaloid complex was outlined on coronal sections then partitioned into five reliably defined subdivisions: (1) lateral nucleus, (2) basal nucleus, (3) accessory basal nucleus, (4) central nucleus, and (5) remaining nuclei. However, there are significantly fewer neurons in the autistic amygdala overall and in its lateral nucleus.

The lateral nucleus of the amygdala is the entry point of most sensory inputs into the amygdala. However, the way information is processed and distributed within the lateral nucleus still eludes us. To gain some insight into this issue, we have examined the spatial organization of excitatory and inhibitory connections in the lateral nucleus.

Targets included the lateral nucleus, peri-supraoptic nucleus, and subparaventricular zone of the hypothalamus, medial amygdala, margin of the lateral habenula, posterior limitans nucleus, superior colliculus, and periaqueductal gray.

The more passive strategy of coping with the aversive event of HS group was related to increased activity of amygdalar nuclei and some areas of the hippocampus, and stronger 5-HT immunostaining in the baso-lateral nucleus of the amygdala, in comparison with LS rats.

PURPOSE: The lateral nucleus of the amygdala is critical for fear conditioning, a paradigm of emotional learning, which requires recognition of an unconditioned stimulus as aversive and association of conditioned stimuli with an unconditioned stimulus. We studied whether contextual or tone-cued fear conditioning is impaired in two status epilepticus models of epilepsy and whether impairment correlates with the extent of damage in the lateral nucleus of the amygdala. Damage to the lateral nucleus of the amygdala was analyzed from thionin-stained sections both histologically and by volumetry. The lateral nucleus pathology did not correlate with impaired fear conditioning.

(5) Individual nuclei begin to be detectable at stages 17-21, the central nucleus at stage 23 and the lateral nucleus shortly thereafter.

Control of fear extinction by physical context involves interactions between the dorsal hippocampus and the lateral nucleus of the amygdala.

RM also projected to the lateral nucleus of the amygdala and tail of the caudate nucleus.

Fear learning depends on plasticity in the lateral nucleus of the amygdala. Microinjection of ML-7, a specific inhibitor of myosin light chain kinase, into the lateral nucleus of the amygdala before fear conditioning, but not immediately afterward, enhanced both short-term memory and long-term memory, suggesting that myosin light chain kinase is involved specifically in memory acquisition rather than in posttraining consolidation of memory. Anatomical studies showed that myosin light chain kinase is present in cells throughout lateral nucleus of the amygdala and is localized to dendritic shafts and spines that are postsynaptic to the projections from the auditory thalamus to lateral nucleus of the amygdala, a pathway specifically implicated in fear learning. Inhibition of myosin light chain kinase enhanced long-term potentiation, a physiological model of learning, in the auditory thalamic pathway to the lateral nucleus of the amygdala. When ML-7 was applied without associative tetanic stimulation it had no effect on synaptic responses in lateral nucleus of the amygdala. Thus, myosin light chain kinase activity in lateral nucleus of the amygdala appears to normally suppress synaptic plasticity in the circuits underlying fear learning, suggesting that myosin light chain kinase may help prevent the acquisition of irrelevant fears.

There were no correlations between the distribution pattern of hyperphosphorylated tau-pathology, amyloid plaques and alpha-synuclein-positive structures, and choline acetyltransferase activity, except the lateral nucleus in DLB.

In WKY rats, the binding of [ 3H]-GBR12935 to DAT sites was increased in the basolateral, central and lateral nuclei of the amygdala, lateral nucleus of the hypothalamus, olfactory tubercle, caudate-putamen, nucleus accumbens and substantia nigra (P < 0.05) and decreased in the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus and the CA1 region of the hippocampus. In WIS rats, alcohol consumption increased DAT sites in the CA1 region of the hippocampus, basolateral nucleus of the amygdala, ventral tegmental area and substantia nigra, and decreased DAT sites in the lateral and ventromedial hypothalamus and dentate gyrus.

Cell counts of CRH-BP containing cells in the basolateral and lateral nucleus of the amygdala were lower in 24-month-old rats vs.

Long-term potentiation (LTP) at input synapses to the lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LA) is a candidate mechanism for memory storage during fear learning.

Here, we used simultaneous field and intracellular recordings from horizontal brain slices obtained from pilocarpine-treated rats and age-matched nonepileptic controls (NECs) to shed light on the electrophysiological changes that occur within the lateral nucleus (LA) of the amygdala.

Magnetic resonance imaging showed low intensity areas (left posterior limb of internal capsule, left cerebral peduncle of middle brain, a part of left substantia nigra, left amygdala, ventral posterior lateral nucleus and ventral anterior nucleus of left thalamus, left lateral geniculate body, and left occipital lobe) in T1 weighted image, due to the infarct in the left anterior choroidal artery territory.

We have identified stathmin, an inhibitor of microtubule formation, as highly expressed in the lateral nucleus (LA) of the amygdala as well as in the thalamic and cortical structures that send information to the LA about the conditioned (learned fear) and unconditioned stimuli (innate fear).

Here, we combine site-specific behavioral pharmacology with multisite electrophysiological recording techniques to show that the lateral nucleus of the amygdala, long thought to be critical for the acquisition of fear memories, is also an essential locus of fear memory storage..

The lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LA) is thought to be an essential site of plasticity in fear conditioning.

Expression of egr-1 in the CeA and lateral nucleus of the amygdala following administration of anxiolytic and anxiogenic benzodiazepine and serotonin agonists and antagonists was investigated.

The lateral nucleus of the amygdala is a region specifically implicated in the formation of memories for stressful experiences.

The entire amygdaloid complex was outlined and then further partitioned into five reliably defined subdivisions: 1) the lateral nucleus, 2) the basal nucleus, 3) the accessory basal nucleus, 4) the central nucleus, and 5) the remaining nuclei (including anterior cortical, anterior amygdaloid area, periamygdaloid cortex, medial, posterior cortical, nucleus of the lateral olfactory tract, amygdalohippocampal area, and intercalated nuclei). The mean number of neurons (x 10(6)) for each region was as follows: lateral nucleus 4.00, basal nucleus 3.24, accessory basal nucleus 1.28, central nucleus 0.36, remaining nuclei 3.33, and total amygdaloid complex 12.21.

Novel forms of presynaptic plasticity in the lateral nucleus may also contribute to fear memory formation, bolstering the connection between synaptic plasticity mechanisms and associative learning and memory..

The basomedial nucleus (BM) exhibited the highest nNOS immunoreactivity in the basolateral complex, observable from early embryonic stages, whereas the lateral nucleus displayed the lowest level of immunoreactivity. The expression pattern for nNOS in the basolateral nucleus differed substantially from that of the lateral and basomedial nuclei, showing a slightly increase in the number of nNOS cells and neuropil staining from intermediate developmental until early postnatal stages.

Converging lines of evidence indicate that the amygdala is necessarily involved in the acquisition, storage and expression of conditioned fear memory, and long-term potentiation (LTP) in the lateral nucleus of the amygdala is often proposed as the underlying synaptic mechanism of associative fear memory.

We first show that neuronal nitric oxide synthase is localized in the lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LA), a critical site of plasticity in fear conditioning.

The Entl is a major recipient for amygdaloid projections from the medial part of the lateral nucleus and the caudomedial part of the basolateral nucleus.

Calbindin immunoreactive neurons were most frequently found in the ventrolateral part of the lateral nucleus, intraamygdaloid parts of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis and the lateral part of the central nucleus.

In the basolateral group, there is a particularly distinct dorsoventral gradation such that Zn levels are most dense ventrally, i.e., in the paralaminar nucleus, the ventral division of the lateral nucleus, and the parvicellular divisions of both the basal nucleus and the accessory basal nucleus.

Therefore, egr-1, which increases in the lateral nucleus following fear conditioning, footshock and novelty, was assessed to determine if its expression is induced in rats exposed to a cat. Five minutes of cat exposure did not increase expression of egr-1 mRNA in the lateral nucleus of the amygdala.

In the final experiment, rats received intrathalamic infusion of U0126 before long-term potentiation (LTP)-inducing stimulation of thalamic inputs to the lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LA).

In the basolateral amygdaloid complex, increases in the number of Fos-immunoreactive cells only reached significance in the contralateral lateral nucleus.

Concurrent electrophysiological measurements identified a safety learning-induced long-lasting depression of CS-evoked activity in the lateral nucleus of the amygdala, consistent with fear reduction, and an increase of CS-evoked activity in a region of the striatum involved in positive affect, euphoric responses, and reward..

This type of learning depends critically on the amygdala, and evidence suggests that synaptic plasticity within the lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LA) may be responsible for storing memories of the CS-US association.

Electrical stimulation of the ventromedial hypothalamus in cats leads to the appearance of an additional component in the structure of evoked potentials of the amygdala lateral nucleus; this component disappears after discontinuation of food reinforcement (suppression of the conditioned reflex). It was concluded that the lateral nucleus of the amygdala and ventrolateral hypothalamus, the structures belonging to the system of defense behavior, can change their congenital characteristics depending on the situation, when involved in the feeding behavior system..

Consolidation of new fear memories has been shown to require de novo RNA and protein synthesis in the lateral nucleus of amygdala (LA).

Here we show that in the lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LA), an area lacking apparent laminar organization, thalamic and cortical afferents converge on the same dendrites, contacting neighboring but morphologically and functionally distinct spine types.

Studies of gene expression following fear conditioning have demonstrated that the inducible transcription factor, egr-1, is increased in the lateral nucleus of the amygdala shortly following fear conditioning.

The lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LA) is a crucial site of neural changes that occur during fear conditioning.

We infused an excitotoxic dose of glutamate in the lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LA) of adult rats in order to block the output projections to brainstem areas controlling the expression of conditioned fear responses.

The heaviest projections from the amygdala to the piriform cortex originated in the medial division of the lateral nucleus, the periamygdaloid and sulcal subfields of the periamygdaloid cortex, and the posterior cortical nucleus. Lighter projections to the posterior piriform cortex originated in the dorsolateral division of the lateral nucleus, the magnocellular and parvicellular divisions of the basal and accessory basal nuclei, and the anterior cortical nucleus. The projections to the anterior piriform cortex were light and originated in the dorsolateral and medial divisions of the lateral nucleus, the magnocellular division of the basal and accessory basal nuclei, the anterior and posterior cortical nuclei, and the periamygdaloid subfield of the periamygdaloid cortex.

In the basolateral nucleus 72% of somatostatin (SOM), 73% of parvalbumin (PV) and 25% of VIP positive interneurons were GBR+. In the lateral nucleus 50% of somatostatin, 30% of parvalbumin and 27% of VIP positive interneurons were GBR+.

Field excitatory postsynaptic potentials (fEPSPs) and EPSPs, respectively, were recorded extracellularly and intracellularly from the lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LA).

Furthermore, changes in expression of the transcription factor early growth response gene 1 in the lateral nucleus of the amygdala are shown to be important for contextual fear conditioning but not for unconditioned fear to a predator odor.

In addition, high CO activity in the lateral nucleus of the MB was linearly correlated with lower escape latencies in both sexes after training in the working memory task.

Permanence of AuK-induced limbic epileptogenicity was associated with cell loss only in the rostral lateral nucleus of amygdala.

Auditory information can reach the lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LA) through a monosynaptic thalamic projection or a polysynaptic cortical route.

Our results suggest that the alpha1 subunit of the GABA(A) receptor is localized primarily in GABAergic interneurons in the ABL at the somal level, although the intense neuropil staining in the lateral nucleus suggests that distal dendrites of pyramidal projection neurons in this nucleus may also contain high levels of the alpha1 subunit.

Plasticity in the lateral nucleus of the amygdala is thought to be critical for the acquisition of Pavlovian fear conditioning. Recent studies suggest that somatosensory (footshock) unconditioned stimulus information is also relayed in parallel to the lateral nucleus of the amygdala from the thalamus (the posterior intralaminar thalamic complex, PIT) and the cortex (parietal insular cortex).

Epileptogenesis was triggered in 20 rats by inducing status epilepticus (SE) with electrical stimulation of the lateral nucleus of the amygdala. In the lateral nucleus of epileptic animals, the frequency of spontaneous responses was reduced compared with controls (P < 0.05). In the epileptic animals, the basal nucleus was also more sensitive than the lateral nucleus to 4-AP-induced epileptiform activity (P < 0.05). Further, the basal nucleus is more prone to epileptic activity than the lateral nucleus.

Stereological measures of well-defined subregions of amydgdaloid nuclei revealed significantly expanded dimensions of the lateral nucleus in prenatally stressed offspring, due, in part, to more neurons and glia.

In addition, the PAC subfield projected to the ventrolateral and medial divisions of the lateral nucleus.

No significant changes of spine densities were seen in the somatosensory cortex (except for an increase in the proximal apical segments) and in the lateral nucleus of the dorsal amygdala (except for an increase in the proximal basal dendritic segments).

The presentation of conditioned affective stimuli enhances activity of neurons in the lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LAT), which is thought to drive conditioned affective responses.

The total number of neurons in the dorsolateral division of the lateral nucleus (Ldl) stabilized the earliest--between P30 and P60, whereas in the ventromedial division of the lateral nucleus (Lvm), basomedial (BM) and basolateral (BL) nuclei the number stabilized later--between P60 and P90.

In conditioned animals the number and density of c-Fos-positive nuclei increased in dorsolateral and medial divisions of the lateral nucleus compared with the control group (P < 0.05). Additionally, in the medial division of the lateral nucleus, the percentage of c-Fos/FG double-labelled neurons was higher in the conditioned animals compared with the other groups (P < 0.05). These data support the idea that emotionally relevant sensory information in the lateral nucleus can influence information processing in the hippocampal and parahippocampal areas via the amygdalo-entorhinal pathway..

Thereafter, single-unit activity in the lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LA) and freezing behavior were recorded during tests in which each CS was presented in each extinction context.

Before and after fear conditioning, we recorded the evoked potentials elicited by CS+ and CS- from electrodes aimed at the lateral nucleus of the amygdala.

The effect of 8-OH-DPAT on the induction of long-term potentiation (LTP) in the lateral nucleus of the amygdala was investigated using rat horizontal brain slice preparations.

The descending influences of the septal nuclei (lateral nucleus--LSN and bed nucleus stria terminalis--BNST) on activity of viscero-sensory neurons of the nucleus of tractus solitarius (NTS) identified by stimulation of cervical part of the n.

Long-term memory underlying Pavlovian fear conditioning is believed to involve plasticity at sensory input synapses in the lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LA).

The same CS that had been associated with cocaine administered noncontingently additionally increased zif268 mRNA levels in area Cg1 of the anterior cingulate cortex, ventral and lateral regions of the orbitofrontal cortex and lateral nucleus of the amygdala.

Doxapram induced c-Fos-like immunoreactivity in the central nucleus of the amygdala but not the lateral nucleus or the nucleus tractus solitarius.

Application of NR2B selective blockers ifenprodil or CP-101,606 blocked NMDA EPSCs by 70% in the central nucleus, but only by 30% in the lateral nucleus. Synapses in the central nucleus activate NMDA receptors that contain NR1 and NR2B subunits, whereas synapses in the lateral nucleus contain receptors with both NR2A and NR2B subunits..

However, it is unclear how the lateral nucleus transforms these inputs, because its intrinsic connectivity is poorly understood. Here, we took advantage of the fact that glutamatergic neurons of the lateral nucleus send a primarily unidirectional projection to the basomedial nucleus. Thus, feedback interneurons effectively divide the lateral nucleus in transverse processing modules that prevent runaway excitation within each module but allow intermixing of sensory information in the rostrocaudal plane..

We used an optical imaging technique with a voltage-sensitive dye to analyze 1) the spatial and functional distribution of inputs from the lateral nucleus of the amygdala to the perirhinal cortex; 2) the spread of neural activity in the perirhinal cortex after layers II/III stimulation, which mimics sensory input to the perirhinal cortex; and 3) the effect of associative inputs to the perirhinal cortex from both the lateral amygdaloid nucleus and layers II/III of the perirhinal cortex on the perirhinal-entorhinal-hippocampal neurocircuit.

We identified the Grp gene, encoding gastrin-releasing peptide, as being highly expressed both in the lateral nucleus of the amygdala, the nucleus where associations for Pavlovian learned fear are formed, and in the regions that convey fearful auditory information to the lateral nucleus. Moreover, we found that GRP receptor (GRPR) is expressed in GABAergic interneurons of the lateral nucleus.

Herein, we show that low-frequency stimulation (LFS) of the external capsule elicits a depotentiation in the lateral nucleus of the amygdala.

Anatomically, the amygdala was subdivided into the lateral nucleus, the basal (basolateral and basomedial) nuclei and the corticomedial (central, medial and cortical nuclei) complex. There was a small reduction in neuronal density in the basolateral nucleus in all Parkinson's disease cases, but no consistent volume or cell loss within this region. However, the proportion of LB-containing neurones in the basolateral nucleus was nearly doubled in cases that exhibited visual hallucinations, suggesting that neuronal dysfunction in this nucleus contributes to this late clinical feature.

We have previously described the origins of neocortical inputs to the lateral nucleus of the macaque monkey amygdala based on retrograde tracing studies. Areas TE and TEO of the inferotemporal cortex, portions of the superior temporal gyrus, and the granular region of the insula project primarily to the lateral nucleus, with little or no innervation of other amygdaloid nuclei. In contrast, orbitofrontal, medial prefrontal, and anterior cingulate regions project primarily to the basal and accessory basal nuclei and provide little innervation to the lateral nucleus.

Most of the connections known from in-vivo studies within and between the entorhinal and perirhinal cortices, the amygdala (basolateral nucleus, lateral nucleus, and amygdalopiriform transition area) and the hippocampus were preserved in the 400 microm-thick horizontal slices employed..

In the brain, sparse ghrelin-positive cells were detected in three nuclei of the diencephalon, namely the suprachiasmatic nucleus and the posterior tuberculum in the hypothalamus, and the posterodorsal aspect of the lateral nucleus in the thalamus.

In the basolateral nucleus more than 90% of SOM+ neurons also exhibited CB immunoreactivity, whereas in the lateral nucleus about two-thirds of SOM+ neurons contained significant levels of CB. These SOM/CB neurons constituted about one quarter of the CB+ population in the basolateral nucleus and about one third of the CB+ population in the lateral nucleus.

First, we show using immunocytochemical and tract-tracing methods that mGluR5 is localized to dendritic shafts and spines in the lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LA) and is postsynaptic to auditory thalamic inputs.

The lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LA) is believed to be the site of auditory conditioned stimulus (CS) relay in classical fear conditioning.

An increase glucose metabolism was also found in the follows: the medial and lateral septal nucleus, substantia nigra, hippocampus, frontal cortex, parietal cortex, piriform cortex, entorhinal cortex, accumbens nucleus, ventral and lateral nucleus of the thalamus, amygdala, and ventral nucleus of hypothalamus.

Synaptic plasticity underlying the acquisition of conditioned fear occurs in the lateral nucleus of the amygdala: long-term potentiation (LTP) of synapses in the pathway of the conditioned stimulus (CS) has shown to be a neural correlate of this kind of emotional learning. Here, we explored whether mGlu5 receptors within the lateral nucleus of the amygdala are involved in the plasticity underlying fear conditioning.

The lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LAT) is necessary for the emotional memory formation in this paradigm.

The heaviest amygdaloid projections originate in the lateral nucleus, which innervates the rostrally situated entorhinal fields but does not project to the caudal entorhinal cortex. The most extensive projections originate in the ventral division of the lateral nucleus. The projections from all portions of the lateral nucleus terminate most heavily in layer III. Layer II of EO and ER also receives a substantial input from the ventral division of the lateral nucleus. Layer II of ELr receives light innervation from all portions of the lateral nucleus that project to layer III. While fibers from the basal nucleus innervate the same layers as the projections from the lateral nucleus, they tend to have a more vertical or radial orientation within the entorhinal cortex.

Electrical stimuli delivered to the lateral nucleus (La) caused the optical signal to propagate to basolateral nucleus (BL) and amygdalostriatal transition area (AStr), but not the central nucleus (Ce), consistent with previous anatomical studies, including the recently characterized projections from La to AStr.

Auditory information critical for fear conditioning, a model of emotional learning, is conveyed to the lateral nucleus of the amygdala via two routes: directly from the medial geniculate nucleus and indirectly from the auditory cortex.

The present study examined changes in chronically-recorded extracellular neuronal firing patterns in the lateral nucleus of AMG (LAMG) induced by AGS kindling in behaving genetically epilepsy-prone rats (GEPR-9s).

The projections from areas TAi and TAr terminated only in the lateral nucleus, and in particular at the lateral part of the middle and caudal portions of the amygdala.

Principal neurons in the lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LA) exhibit a continuum of firing properties in response to prolonged current injections ranging from those that accommodate fully to those that fire repetitively.

The lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LA) provides a critical link for relaying thalamic and cortical auditory information to the rest of the amygdala during the fear conditioning process.

We focused on the lateral nucleus, which is the major recipient of thalamic and cortical sensory information directed to the amygdala and provides the most widespread intraamygdaloid connections. Our analysis suggests many similarities in the organization of chemoarchitectonics and intrinsic connectivity of the different subdivisions of the lateral nucleus of the rat, monkey, and human amygdala.

Within that the ventromedial division of the lateral nucleus seems to be the largest, while its dorsolateral division--the smallest. In the rabbit the highest acetylcholinesterase activity is found in the basolateral nucleus and the nucleus of the lateral olfactory tract.

Epileptogenesis was induced in 16 rats by electrically stimulating the lateral nucleus of the amygdala for 20-30 min until the rats developed self-sustained status epilepticus (SSSE).

Although both the medial geniculate nucleus and the dorsal perirhinal cortex have direct projections to lateral nucleus, only the thalamic stimulation induced long-term potentiation of field potentials recorded in the lateral nucleus. In contrast, cortical (ventral perirhinal cortex) but not thalamic stimulation induced long-term potentiation in the basal nucleus.Since the thalamic pathway is believed to process simple/unimodal stimulus features, and the perirhinal cortex complex/polymodal sensory representations, the dissociation of long-term potentiation in lateral and basal nuclei suggests that the basal nucleus may serve as an amygdaloid sensory interface for complex stimulus information similar to the role of the lateral nucleus in relation to relatively simple representations.

Analysis of immunohistochemically stained sections indicated that the medial and dorsolateral divisions of the lateral nucleus project heavily to layers I-V of caudal area 35 and to layers I-III of the rostroventral postrhinal cortex.

Considerable evidence suggests that critical neural changes mediating the CS-US association occur in the lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LA).

The lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LA) is an essential component of the neural circuitry underlying Pavlovian fear conditioning.

Calbindin-positive neurons constituted almost 60% of the GABA-containing population in both subdivisions of the basolateral nucleus and more than 40% of the GABA-containing population in the lateral nucleus.

It is well established that the amygdala plays an essential role in Pavlovian fear conditioning, with the lateral nucleus serving as the interface with sensory systems that transmit the conditioned stimulus and the central nucleus as the link with motor regions that control conditioned fear responses. The lateral nucleus connects with the central nucleus directly and by way of several other amygdala regions, including the basal, accessory basal, and medial nuclei.

Neurotoxic lesions targeted either the lateral nucleus (LA), basolateral and basomedial nuclei (basal nuclei), or central nucleus (CE) of the amygdala.

The present study clearly demonstrates that injections of the NMDA receptor antagonist AP-5 into the lateral nucleus of the amygdala significantly attenuated both behavioral fear responses (i.e., the amygdaloid NMDA receptors are necessary for the expression of fear-potentiated startle and freezing).

Self-sustained SE (SSSE) was induced by stimulating the lateral nucleus of the amygdala.

Recent experiments from our laboratory have shown that messenger RNA expression of the immediate-early messenger gene, early growth response gene 1, increases in the lateral nucleus of the amygdala following contextual fear conditioning. To determine if N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors regulate both fear conditioning and the increase in early growth response gene 1 expression in the lateral nucleus of the amygdala, rats were infused i.c.v. Image analysis of early growth response gene 1 messenger RNA revealed that DL-2-amino-5-phosphonovalerate blocked the fear-conditioning-associated increase in early growth response gene 1 expression in the lateral nucleus of the amygdala.

We conclude that the discharge properties of neurons in the lateral nucleus, in response to somatic current injections, are determined by the differential distribution of ionic conductances rather than through mechanisms that rely on cell morphology..

Two cats preferred long-latency pedal-pressing to obtain meat, and were considered to be "self-controlled," while the third cat, which preferred short-latency pedal-pressing to obtain the less valuable reinforcement (the bread/meat mixture) was described as "impulsive." Chronically implanted semimicroelectrodes were used to record multineuron activity in the basolateral nucleus of the amygdala and the lateral nucleus of the hypothalamus. The identical incidences of interneuron interactions in the lateral nucleus of the hypothalamus in cats with different individual preferences suggest that local networks in this formation are not involved in analyzing reinforcement quality..

Intracellular and field potential recordings were taken from the lateral nucleus of the amygdala in a rat horizontal brain slice preparation that included hippocampal formation. These events propagated from deep layers of entorhinal cortex into the lateral nucleus of the amygdala. Individual lateral nucleus neurons exhibited responses ranging from a long burst response that included an initial period of 200 Hz firing and a tail of gamma frequency firing lasting over 100 ms (grade 1) to an epsp with no firing (grade 4). We demonstrate that synchronous population events can propagate from entorhinal cortex to the lateral nucleus of the amygdala and that pyramidal neurons of the lateral nucleus are more common targets than stellate neurons.

Injections into the SG, MGm, and rostral PIN predominantly labeled axons in the laterodorsal and lateroventral portions of the lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LA). The present results suggest that, despite a considerable degree of convergence of the thalamoamygdaloid projection in the lateral nucleus, each thalamic nucleus plays a unique role in the transmission of sensory stimuli to the amygdala and in the modulation of intraamygdaloid circuits..

The regional distribution of neuropathological changes varied considerably between different subnuclei but the lateral nucleus was more often involved than basal and granular nuclei.

Overall, the ERbeta mRNA hybridization signal was relatively low, but the most abundant ERbeta mRNA areas were the hippocampal formation (primarily the subiculum), claustrum, and cerebral cortex; expression was also present in the subthalamic nucleus and thalamus (ventral lateral nucleus).

We first show that ERK/MAPK is transiently activated-phosphorylated in the amygdala, specifically the lateral nucleus (LA), at 60 min, but not 15, 30, or 180 min, after conditioning, and that this activation is attributable to paired presentations of tone and shock rather than to nonassociative auditory stimulation, foot shock sensitization, or unpaired tone-shock presentations.

Expression of NGFI-B mRNA was increased in the dorsolateral part of the lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LaDL) and the neocortex 30 min following conditioning in the delayed-shock group compared to the other three groups.

Physiological studies suggest that afferents to the lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LA) from the auditory thalamus initiate feedforward inhibition [ Li et al.

A high density of large GABA-negative calbindin-ir neurons was observed caudally in the medial division of the lateral nucleus and GABA-negative calretinin-ir neurons were observed in the magnocellular division of the accessory basal nucleus as well as in the intermediate and parvicellular divisions of the basal nucleus.

Previous studies have shown that long-term potentiation (LTP) can be induced in the lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LA) after stimulation of central auditory pathways and that auditory fear conditioning modifies neural activity in the LA in a manner similar to LTP.

Immunocytochemical studies show that both repeated tetanization and application of forskolin stimulate the phosphorylation of cAMP response element-binding proteins (CREB) in cells of the lateral nucleus of the amygdala.

Auditory information from the posterior thalamus reaches the lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LA) by way of two pathways: a direct thalamo-amygdala projection and a polysynaptic thalamo-cortico-amygdala projection.

Originally, parvalbumin was restricted to the magnocellular part of basolateral nucleus but it was finally expressed also in the parvicellular part of basolateral nucleus and the dorsolateral part of lateral nucleus.

The increased expression of EGR-1 was specifically localized to the lateral nucleus of the amygdala; expression in the hippocampus and cortex was not increased by fear conditioning. In addition, following a retention test conducted 24h after fear conditioning, no increases were found in the expression of EGR-1 messenger RNA expression in the amygdala, hippocampus or cortex.The results demonstrate that of the four genes of the EGR family of transcription-regulatory factors, only EGR-1 messenger RNA in the dorsolateral portion of the lateral nucleus of the amygdala was specifically increased with contextual fear conditioning. It is suggested that EGR-1 plays a functional role during learning, but not retrieval, of contextual fear within the lateral nucleus of the amygdala..

The objective of this study was to identify cortical areas that project to the lateral nucleus of the macaque monkey amygdaloid complex. Discrete injections of the fluorescent retrograde tracers Fast blue and Diamidino yellow were placed into different locations within the lateral nucleus. Although retrograde tracers can provide only limited evidence for topography, we nonetheless noted that the density of retrogradely labeled cells in a cortical area reliably depended on the location of the tracer injection in the lateral nucleus..

It was previously shown that mRNA expression of EGR-1 (also called, NGFI-A, Zif 268, Krox 24) increases in the lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LA) shortly following contextual fear conditioning.

Single pulse stimulation of the vPRC reliably evoked a negative field potential in the BN that was missing in the lateral nucleus.

FAE increased 5-HTT binding sites in cortical layers 5, 6, hippocampal layers CA(2,3), lateral nucleus of the amygdala and in the dorsal raphe nucleus. In contrast, FAE increased 5-HTT sites in the lateral nucleus of the amygdala in the adult animal, suggesting that ethanol exposure in utero may alter serotonin neurotransmission in discrete brain regions permanently..

Zif268 messenger RNA expression in the lateral nucleus of the amygdala also remained elevated above baseline after binge treatment.The possible relationships of these changes in zif268 messenger RNA regional expression patterns to the development of psychosis in high-dose stimulant abusers are discussed..

Lesions in the central nucleus or lateral nucleus of the amygdala have been known to interfere with the acquisition of fear conditioning when a sound is used as a conditioned stimulus (CS). Seven rats with lesions in the central nucleus (AMY-C group), 8 with lesions in the lateral nucleus (AMY-L group), and 16 unoperated control rats were trained using a visual CS (25 W light, 3.7 s duration) paired with footshock (1.0 mA, 0.5 s). These results suggest that the lateral nucleus of the amygdala may not be involved in fear conditioning to a visual CS.

Self-sustained status epilepticus (SSSE) lasting for 6-20 h was induced by a 20-30 min stimulation of the lateral nucleus of the amygdala (100 ms train of 1 ms, 60 Hz bipolar pulses, 400 microA, every 0.5 s).

lateral nucleus (LA) lesions blocked acquisition of both conditioned freezing responses and the CS's reinforcement of a new response in the EFF task.

Here, we show for the first time that low-frequency stimulation of the lateral nucleus at 1 Hz for 15 min elicited a long-term depression (LTD) in the basolateral amygdala (BLA) neurons.

Third, the immunoreactivity of Bax protein, a promoter of apoptotic neuronal death, increased in the vulnerable medial division of the lateral nucleus prior to the appearance of argyrophilic neurons and TUNEL-positive nuclei.

Other retrogradely labeled neurons were observed in the taenia tecta, the septum, the nucleus of the lateral olfactory tract, the preoptic area, the lateral hypothalamic area, the mediobasal hypothalamus, the lateral part of the premammillary nucleus, the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus, the paraventricular thalamic nucleus, the central grey, the substantia nigra (SN), the ventral tegmental area (VTA), the lateral nucleus to the interpeduncular nucleus (IIP), the raphe and the locus coeruleus (LC).

Thalamo-amygdala auditory projections enter the amygdala via the lateral nucleus (LA).

The main source of this projection was anterior part of basolateral nucleus (BLA). Some labeled neurons were found in the lateral nucleus and few in the ventral part of basolateral nucleus.

Neuronal structure-function relationships were studied in rat brain slices containing the perirhinal cortex (PR) and immediately adjacent lateral nucleus of the amygdala (ALa).

The lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LA) is a critical component of the circuitry through which environmental stimuli are endowed with emotional meaning through association with painful or threatening events.

Bipolar, multipolar, and pyramidal AKAP79-positive neurons are found throughout the amygdala; the highest packing density of immunostained neurons is seen within the central and lateral nucleus.

Low-level staining was obtained in the basolateral and lateral nucleus of the amygdala as well as in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis.

Neurons projecting to the lateral nucleus were distributed in all layers of the dorsal bank, wheras those projecting to CA1 and subiculum were found in superfical layers (mostly layer III) of the ventral bank. Projections to the basolateral nucleus arose from superfical layers (mostly layer II) of the fundus and deep layers of the ventral bank.

The heaviest projection to the entorhinal cortex originates in the medial division of the lateral nucleus which innervates layer III of the ventral intermediate and dorsal intermediate subfields. The parasubiculum receives dense projections from the caudal portion of the medial division of the lateral nucleus, the caudomedial parvicellular division of the basal nucleus, and the parvicellular division of the accessory basal nucleus.

The aim of the present study was to identify synaptic contacts from axons originating in the superior colliculus with thalamic neurons projecting to the lateral nucleus of the amygdala. Injections of Fluoro-Gold into the lateral nucleus of the amygdala labeled neurons in nuclei of the posterior thalamus which surround the medial geniculate body, viz.

Extracellular field potentials of the lateral nucleus of the basolateral amygdala were recorded. The results show that angiotensin II significantly increased the amplitude of field potentials induced by the electrical stimulation of the lateral nucleus, whereas norleucine1-angiotensin IV caused a significant decrease in the amplitude of field potentials.

According to the current model of auditory fear conditioning, the lateral nucleus is the input station of the amygdala for conditioned auditory stimuli, whereas the central nucleus is the output station for conditioned fear responses. Yet, the lateral nucleus does not project to the central medial nucleus, where most brainstem projections of the amygdala originate. In light of previous anatomical findings, we propose that the lateral nucleus exerts two indirect actions on central medial neurons: an excitation via the basal nuclei and an inhibition via intercalated neurons..

The lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LA) receives excitatory (glutamatergic) inputs from thalamic and cortical sensory processing areas and is believed to be involved in evaluation of the affective significance of sensory events.

These areas include the medial division of the lateral nucleus, the parvicellular division of the basal nucleus, the accessory basal nucleus, the posterior cortical nucleus, and portions of the anterior cortical and medial nuclei.

Biocytin injections into dysgranular parietal insular cortex resulted in heavy labeling of the subjacent agranular parietal insular cortex and strong labeling of fibers and terminals in the dorsal part of lateral nucleus, with moderate labeling of fibers in the anterior and posterior basolateral nuclei, and the central nucleus.

No projections to the amygdala were observed from posterior granular cortex, although dysgranular cortex projected to the lateral central nucleus, dorsolateral lateral nucleus, and posterior basolateral nucleus. Agranular projections were similar, although they included medial and lateral central nucleus and the ventral lateral nucleus.

We have used the anterograde tracer, Phaseolus vulgaris-leucoagglutinin (PHA-L) to study the intrinsic projections of the lateral nucleus of the Macaca fascicularis monkey amygdaloid complex. A reanalysis of the monkey lateral nucleus indicated that there are at least four distinct cytoarchitectonic divisions: dorsal, dorsal intermediate, ventral intermediate, and ventral. The major projections within the lateral nucleus originate in the dorsal, dorsal intermediate, and ventral intermediate divisions and terminate in the ventral division. The ventral division also projects to itself but does not project significantly to the other divisions of the lateral nucleus. Thus, the ventral division appears to be a site of convergence for information entering all other portions of the lateral nucleus. There are substantial regional and topographic differences in the projections from each of the lateral nucleus divisions to other amygdaloid nuclei. Projections from all portions of the lateral nucleus to the central nucleus are generally very light. It appears, therefore, that each division of the lateral nucleus originates topographically organized projections to the other amygdaloid areas that terminate in distinct portions of the target regions.

Long-term potentiation (LTP) of field potentials in the lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LA) evoked by brief tetanic stimuli of the LA were observed in horizontal rat brain slices.

Whereas much is now known about the behavioral importance of the lateral nucleus of the amygdala for the storage of implicit memories of fear, little is known in molecular terms about the signal transduction pathways required for long-term potentiation (LTP) in this nucleus. Using brain slices containing the amygdala, we have studied LTP in the pathway from external capsule to the lateral nucleus, a pathway that mediates information from the auditory cortex important for fear conditioning.

To determine if fibers in the lateral nucleus of the amygdala are in functional connection with other brain regions, an anterograde and retrograde axonal tracing method (application of rhodamine-dextran-amine) was performed. Horizontal slices containing some nuclei of the amygdala (lateral nucleus, basolateral nucleus, central nucleus, medial nucleus), as well as the entorhinal cortex, the hippocampus and parts of the piriform cortex were used. Crystals of rhodamine-dextran-amine were placed in the lateral nucleus. The connectivities of the lateral nucleus with other nuclei of the amygdala (basolateral, medial, central) correspond with the findings made by tracer applications in-vivo. The use of a tracer that is transported in both the antero- and retrograde direction shows the whole spectrum of efferent and afferent fibers which are involved in the projection pattern of the lateral nucleus.

In contrast to c-fos, NGFI-A mRNA expression in the lateral nucleus of the amygdala was greater in the delayed-footshock group than the handled and context-no-footshock groups 15 min after the footshock. This suggests that NGFI-A mRNA in the lateral nucleus of the amygdala may play a role in contextual fear conditioning..

Extracellular levels of dopamine in two sites in the lateral nucleus were not consistently measurable, even after treatment with amphetamine.

In P rats, compared to NP controls, there was a 30% lower 5-HT3 binding level in the lateral nucleus and the posteromedial cortical nucleus of the amygdala.

MP treatment, at a dose that increased food intake (10 mg/kg, p.o.), induced Fos expression in the nucleus of the solitary tract, area postrema, lateral parabrachial nucleus, central lateral nucleus of the amygdala, dorsal lateral bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, and the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus.

In the lateral nucleus of the human amygdala, calretinin terminals make symmetric-like synapses on the somata and proximal dendrites of calbindin D28k-labeled cells.

However, the pattern of synaptic innervation of type B PV+ neurons differed in the two nuclei: in the lateral nucleus, they were almost exclusively innervated by a population of small, presumed excitatory terminals (type 1), whereas the four categories of terminals contributed more equally to their innervation in the BL nucleus. The proportion of axosomatic synapses was significantly higher in the lateral nucleus than in the BL nucleus (33% vs. The reverse was true for the contacts with proximal dendrites (33% in the lateral nucleus vs.

Doses of 2,5-AM that reliably stimulated food intake induced Fos-li in both the hindbrain and forebrain, including in the NTS, AP, lateral PBN, central lateral nucleus of the amygdala, dorsal lateral bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNSTdl), anterior paraventricular nucleus of the thalamus, supraoptic nucleus, subfornical organ, and paraventricular hypothalamic nuclei.

Injections into the lateral ventricles (LV), ventral tegmental area (VTA), or periaqueductal gray (PAG) produced a CPP; injections 1 mm dorsal to the PAG or VTA, or into the caudate putamen, medial frontal cortex, hippocampus, lateral nucleus of the amygdala, lateral hypothalamus, pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus, posterior hypothalamus, ventral palladium, or nucleus accumbens septi (core or shell) did not.

Lesions of the mesolimbic dopamine system, the ventral pallidum, the lateral nucleus of the amygdala, or the caudate putamen had no effect on a morphine-induced CPP..

The amygdala's lateral nucleus receives and integrates the sensory inputs from the thalamic and cortical areas, and the central nucleus provides the interface with motor systems controlling specific fear responses in various modalities (behavioural, autonomic, endocrine).

Synaptic transmission in the medial geniculate nucleus (MGN) to lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LA) pathway, a key segment of the auditory fear conditioning circuit, is mediated largely through N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) and non-NMDA (such as alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA)) glutamate receptors; the potential for neural plasticity in this pathway is suggested by its capacity to support long-term potentiation (LTP).

We have previously shown that LTP induction in pathways that transmit auditory CS information to the lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LA) increases auditory-evoked field potentials in this nucleus.

The neuronal density and the total number of neurons stabilized at P7 in all parts of this complex, except for the dorsolateral part of the lateral nucleus in which a 30% decrease of the total number of cells was observed.

Single neurons were recorded in freely behaving rats during fear conditioning from areas of auditory cortex that project to the lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LA).

Projections from the medial geniculate body (MGB) to the lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LA) have been implicated in the conditioning of emotional reactions to acoustic stimuli.

High expression of alpha 1b-AR mRNA was noted in the pineal gland, most thalamic nuclei, lateral nucleus of the amygdala and dorsal and median raphe nuclei.

Amygdaloid projections targeted the ventromedial subdivision of the lateral nucleus and the adjacent part of the anterior basolateral nucleus. In the amygdala, labeled fibers and terminals were concentrated in the dorsolateral subdivision of the lateral nucleus. The data also indicate that projections from Te2 and Te3 target different subregions of the lateral nucleus and that Te2, but not Te3, projects to the basolateral nucleus..

In the present study we have examined the lateral nucleus of the amygdaloid body in 70 surgical specimens from patients with temporal lobe epilepsy and in 10 control specimens with respect to neuronal density and gliosis.

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