Terminology Table:   all entries          [ Graphical Views ]

AbbreviationTermPathUsed in
 OLT  olfactory tubercle Tel::OLTrodent, carnivore, primate
 OPT  olivary pretectal nucleus MB::Tec::OPTrodent, carnivore, primate
 OCX  optic chiasm Tel::OCXrodent, carnivore, primate
 OR  optic radiation Tel::ORrodent, carnivore, primate
 OT  optic tract Tel::OTrodent, carnivore, primate
 ORS  orbital sulcus Tel::Cx::ORSprimate
 OFS  orbitofrontal sulcus Tel::Cx::OFSprimate
 OVH  organum vasculosum hypothalamus avian
 PA  paleostriatum augmentatum avian
 PP  paleostriatum primitivum avian
 PBG  parabigeminal nucleus rodent, carnivore, primate
 PB  parabrachial nucleus rodent, carnivore, primate
 Pc  paracentral nucleus of thalamus Die::Th::Pcrodent, carnivore, primate
 Pf  parafascicular nucleus of thalamus Die::Th::Pfrodent, carnivore, primate
 PASB  parasubiculum Tel::Cx::PASBrodent, carnivore, primate
 Pt  parataenial nucleus of thalamus Die::Th::Ptrodent, carnivore, primate
 Pa  paraventricular nuclei of thalamus Die::Th::Parodent, carnivore, primate
 PAH  paraventricular nucleus of hypothalamus Die::Hy::PAHrodent, carnivore, primate
 PVH  paraventricular nucleus of hypothalamus avian
 PvT  paraventricular nucleus of thalamus avian
 POS  parieto-occipital sulcus Tel::Cx::POSprimate
 SNc  pars compacta of substantia nigra MB::SNcrodent, carnivore, primate
 SNr  pars reticulata of substantia nigra MB::SNrrodent, carnivore, primate
 PPT  pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus Pons::PPTrodent, carnivore, primate
 PAM  periamygdaloid area Tel::Cx::PAMrodent, carnivore, primate
 PAG  periaqueductal gray MB::PAGrodent, carnivore, primate
 ICP  pericentral nucleus of inferior colliculus MB::Tec::ICProdent, carnivore, primate
 PF  perifornical nuclei primate
 PPN  peripeduncular nucleus MB::PPNrodent, carnivore, primate
 PRh  perirhinal cortex Tel::Cx::PRhrodent, carnivore, primate
 Pe  periventricular hypothalamic area primate
 PIN  pineal Die::Epi::PINrodent, carnivore, primate
 Pons  pons Ponsrodent, carnivore, primate
 PGr  pontine gray Pons::PGrrodent, carnivore, primate
 PRF  pontine reticular formation Pons::PRFrodent, carnivore, primate
 PoCS  postcentral sulcus Tel::Cx::PoCSprimate
 PC  posterior commissure MB::Tec::PCrodent, carnivore, primate
 HPA  posterior hypothalamic area Die::Hy::HPArodent, carnivore, primate
 Po  posterior nucleus of thalamus Die::Th::Porodent, carnivore, primate
 MGpd  posterodorsal nucleus of medial geniculate complex Die::Th::MG::MGpdrodent, carnivore, primate
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Records 281 to 320 of 435